How the Discontinuation of R-22 Affects Homeowners

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to phase out all production of R-22 refrigerant supplies by January 1, 2020. This will almost certainly result in a steep increase in costs for R-22 in the Greater Tampa Bay area. Taking steps to upgrade your air conditioning system now could prevent significant expenses in the … Continued

Summer AC Maintenance Tips That Improve Cooling Efficiency

Summer is the worst time for your air conditioning to quit working. When the AC quits working or isn’t working with optimal effectiveness, your indoor comfort is compromised. Even if the AC is still hobbling along, you risk skyrocketing cooling expenses. With summer AC maintenance, it becomes simple to improve cooling efficiency while also extending … Continued

5 Reasons to Consider Upgrading Your AC Unit This Summer

Deciding to upgrade the air conditioning system in your Tampa, Florida, home shouldn’t be taken lightly. A new installation is a costly upgrade, but it comes with many benefits that make it worth the initial cost. Here are some of the reasons to consider upgrading your AC unit. Improved Indoor Air Quality New AC systems … Continued

Getting To Know Your Westchase HVAC System's Air Filter

If you want to keep the air conditioning system in your Westchase, Florida, home running as it should, there are a few important things you need to know about air filters. The air filter in your HVAC system plays a big part in both comfort and efficiency, and understanding your filter will help you keep … Continued

How to to Save on Cooling Costs in Your Home

It’s already hot and humid in New Tampa, Florida. You may enjoy beating the heat by cranking up the AC, but your wallet is sure to frown when the utility bill shows up. Learning how to use the AC more economically is an excellent way to stay cool while keeping your AC expenses to a … Continued

3 Benefits of Buying an Indoor Air Purifier for Your Tampa Home

In Tampa, Florida, you rely on your air conditioner to cool, dehumidify, and keep the air clear of impurities. For the health and safety of your family, adding an air purifier to your HVAC system might be the extra assurance you need. Here are some benefits: Cleans Air of Irritants Modern homes are well-insulated and … Continued

Are the Dust Mites in Your Trinity, FL Home Making You Sick?

Do you feel like your allergy or asthma symptoms are getting worse in your Trinity, Florida, home? If so, you may have dust mites. People who are allergic or highly sensitive will want to make their home inhospitable to these pests. What Are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic pests that live in your home. … Continued

4 Ways to Get Rid of VOCs in Your South Tampa Home

In many South Tampa, Florida, homes, the indoor air is more polluted than the air outside. Modern homes have excellent insulation to increase energy savings. Unfortunately, this insulation can trap contaminants inside, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, xylene, acetone, toluene, and benzene. Over time, exposure to VOCs can lead to fatigue, dizziness, headaches, … Continued

3 Commercial HVAC Issues That Reduce Productivity

Uncomfortable working conditions can reduce productivity for your employees. In fact, many problems with your HVAC system can increase your labor costs or lead to delays on important projects. Workers will be absent more often, and some could decide to move to other employers. Here are some common commercial HVAC issues that might make your … Continued

Can My Pet Negatively Impact My Home's HVAC System?

If you have pets in your Tampa Bay home, you may wonder whether they can affect your HVAC system. No matter how well you groom your pets, animal hair, dander, and other biological elements will slough off. Most of these particulates become airborne. Although air conditioning filters capture many of these contaminants, those that bypass … Continued

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